The English word series was also the final round this time. I have touched on many English words so far, but there are many that have not been introduced yet. Therefore, this time, I tried to collect the idioms that begin with No and the usage of the English words that even children know about. All of these expressions are often used by native speakers, so please use them!
1. buss
A famous word that no one knows this word. Yes, that means the “bus” of that vehicle. Actually, this word has a native speaker-like usage that you can’t hear.
Did you get a bus?
word, known as a noun, is actually used verbally among native speakers. Is it used to mean “get on the bus” or “get on the bus”? Let’s see how to use it together.
Let’s practice
How did you get here?
(What are you riding on?)
I bussed it.
(I came by bus)
You can buss it, it takes little time.
(You can go by bus, it doesn’t take much time)
2. no laughing matter

If you ’re laughing at someone who ’s talking seriously, you ’ll want to say this. Now, idioms starting with No will continue from No. 2 to No. 5!
Don’t laugh! When you want to say
No laughing matter is the expression “Don’t laugh!” “Don’t laugh!” No laughing has almost the same meaning, but this phrase seems to say “Don’t laugh!” The one with Matter will be more polite.
Let’s practice
I stayed all night for studying the test, but I failed.
(I fell for a night after studying for a test)
No laughing matter. I ’m really down now.
(It’s not laughing, it’s really depressed)
Oh… sorry about that.
(Oh, sorry)
3. no dice

dice is a dice. What does “NO Dice” really mean? Although it is an unfamiliar expression, native speakers often use this expression.
Don’t even roll the dice!
No dice is the expression “I can’t!” It is said that it turned out to be “impossible” from the point of “It is useless even if you roll the dice. It means the same as Impossible or I ca n’t do that.
Let’s practice
You ask her out on a date!
(Invite her to date!)
No dice! She is the most famous girl in our school.
(It’s impossible! It’s the most popular child in school!)
You do that, and you do that.
(Don’t do that, then do that)
Stop, stop.No dice.
(Wait a moment, it’s impossible)
4. no harm done

This is also an expression familiar to native speakers starting with no. This is an expression that you can use when you apologize and say thank you.
Nothing! Expression that can convey
No harm done means “Nothing” or “It’s okay”. Although it does not hold grammatically, it is a decent English idiom. By the way, this Done is a complete form, right? Why can’t I do with Do? Actually, the completed form has a nuance of “So That”. So, let’s understand that this no harm done is also nuance that No harm = No harm, Done = That’s all right.
Let’s practice
I should n’t have said such thing.
(You shouldn’t have said that)
No harm done.
(Do not worry)
Thank you for everything. I owe you big help.
(Thanks for everything, it was really helpful.)
No harm done.Thank you for saying like that.
(Thank you for saying that.)
5. no sweat

Sweat is sweat. Are you sweating? What does this mean?
I didn’t sweat at all!
This No sweat has the same meaning as Do n’t worry and No problem. It is an expression that plays an active part in various situations.
Let’s practice
Can you grab that paper?
(Can you get that document?)
No sweat!
(It’s cheap!)
Can I ask you a question? Sorry for bothering you.
(Can I ask a question? I’m sorry to bother you)
No sweat!
(Please do!)

There are cases where unknown usage is hidden in simple English words that everyone knows, such as Buss. For native speakers, simple English words are the best! No + words are expressions often used by natives, so be sure to remember the four idioms I introduced this time! The English word series is the final round. Until the end Thank you for reading!
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